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One Bad Mother Runner

24 Sep

I saw that phrase, “One Bad Mother Runner” on a shirt recently, the day before I ran the Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon. It was just a week and a day ago but that phrase sticks in my mind, among other ones that I saw on signs and posters along the race route. The weather was cool at 8 am last Sunday – perfect running weather. My Achilles felt tight but the compression socks and some good pre-race stretching helped a lot. My stomach was a little flippy because I haven’t run a half marathon in years. Sure, I go out with my friends on the weekends and knock off 9-11 miles but being IN the experience of a big race is totally different.

I said my little runner’s prayer and off I went. Breathing, smiling, enjoying the moment was all I needed to do. I ran, talked with my friend about how we’re just out for “our regular Sunday run.” Don’t ask me how it happened but mile 8-12 just flew by and I felt amazingly strong. Mile marker 13 was right in front of me and I knew that I was almost home.

There was a woman on the side of the road with a sign that said “DIG DEEP.” No two shorter words have ever given me more power. I never stopped the entire race, I pushed it as hard as I could after I saw that sign and finished strong in 2:10. I have to say though that the last .01 miles was the LONGEST .01 miles I have ever run in my entire life. 🙂

The feeling of peace, accomplishment, desire and determination I felt during the run was overwhelming. I was caught up in emotion at mile 10 – thinking that it’s amazing how I can often do the things that my brain tells me I can’t do. I am a runner. I am One Bad Mother Runner and proud of it.

Run on my friends.

New Running Gear

3 Sep

So I was out running the other morning around 5:30 am and felt tired, heavy and just plain lousy. I pushed through, felt better at the end and then felt my Achilles ache. It hurt all day, feeling like it was strained – nothing horrible, just uncomfortable. After seeing my friend wear these colorful “socks” one morning, I asked her what they were. “Compression socks” she said. “What do they do for you?” I replied. “They make my pain go away.”
Hell, anything that can make pain go away, I’m on it!
So, I hit the Feet Fleet store yesterday with my Achilles following me along. I picked up a pair of compression socks for the low, low price of $59.99 (that’s sarcasm my fellow runners). Well, I just would like to say to the world that it was the best $60 I have spent in YEARS. They worked wonders this morning on a strong and fast 9.1 mile run and my legs feel great this afternoon.
Maybe I’m a sucker for running gadgets and apparel but these things really work. Anyone have experience running in them? Going to do the Rock and Roll Half in them on 9/16 and plan on wearing them the entire time……maybe it will help me fly through mile 9-13.1 Run on!

It’s Fine, I ran today….

21 Aug

I couldn’t sleep last night. I don’t really know why. I fell asleep at 10:45 pretty easily but soon found myself up at 12:30 am, 2 am, 3:15 am and was so awake that I was actually thinking that I should get up, lace up and go running – yes, at 3:15 am. It wouldn’t be the first time. Common sense got the best of me and I lay there for another hour, finally getting out of bed and running at 4:30 am this morning. I used my better judgement and hit the treadmill instead of the pavement. At that hour, who knows what kind of people and animals I could have encountered. The funny part of it all is that I had a wonderful run and so far, have made it through the day without going berserk at my kids…’s amazing what running does for me, emotionally as well as physically.

The half marathon is in a few weeks and I often visualize crossing the finish line as I’m running in the early morning….to picture myself at mile 12, feeling strong, grateful and excited. I look forward to tomorrow morning when the weather is once again cool at that early hour and my body is strong enough to do it once again….here’s hoping it is not at 4:30 am though. 😉

37 Days and Counting

10 Aug

In 37 days, I’ll be Rock and Rolling at the Philly half marathon and hopefully, finishing without stopping, being injured or getting lost on my way into Philly. Seriously, I live 20 minutes from Philly but am very much so geographically challenged.

I’ve been running for years, doing lots of different races but this is my first half in over 10 years. Most of my runs are under 12 miles at a time.  The training isn’t as time consuming as I thought it would be. I’m an early riser so I am up and out, with my ear buds in, by 5:30 am on most mornings but there are those few mornings when I don’t wake up before the alarm clock and when I hear that radio click on, I shutter at the thought of  getting out from under my cozy sheets. I do it anyway though. Why? Because running brings me peace. It makes everything else disappear for a short while and I focus on my breath, the air, God and what’s directly in front of me. I don’t have to think about the kids’ schedule, my husband’s job, my writing career or anything else that tends to be on my mind the other 23 hours a day.

I run because it gives me energy to tackle the day.I run because it allows me to have some quiet time to myself in a busy world of being a mother, wife, author, daughter, sister and friend.  I run because it’s good for my body and soul. I run because I’m a runner.

Can’t wait for September 16th!


13 Jun

I ran a marathon this week!!!

Ok, so I did it over 4 days, but still it’s an accomplishment for me. I ran 10.5 miles on Sunday, 5.5 on Monday, 5.5 on Tuesday,  and 5.5 this morning. I do have to say that my legs hurt today when I set out but I know how great it feels when I’m done and so I pushed through it and feel amazing today. I have this thing though about running: I am very competitive but mainly with myself. I push myself to my limits when running and feel so great when I complete what I never thought I could.

My upcoming half marathon is going to be one of those days when I feel nervous and anxious but I need to keep reminding myself that I am running for ME: for that feeling of awe when I do it and say “wow, I’m capable of doing things that I didn’t think I was capable of.” I envision myself crossing the finish line in September with a grin as wide as the road and thanking God for another chance to be more than I imagined.

I look at people in wheelchairs or with canes sometimes and it really makes me so incredibly grateful for my legs that work. Not just work, but legs that carry me to places I didn’t think I could go. Running is a mind game. If I let my mind beat me up and tell me that I can’t do it, then my legs will follow. So, when I run, I think about the finish line. I think about how the pain I feel is just weakness leaving my body and that as long as I’m not hurting myself physically, any feelings of tiredness or soreness is all worth it.

So, for today, I’m grateful to be able to train and to wake up at 5 am each morning to watch the sun rise as my feet hit the pavement. That is my “me time” and it’s a blessing.

Run on, my friends.

Going farther….

4 Jun

I went out at 5:15 am this morning for a run. My goal was to do a “long one,” whatever that means. Last weekend, I finished 9 miles without too much trouble and it gave me the confidence I was looking for to believe that I can finish the half marathon this September without dying.

It was cool and drizzling when I went out this morning and the sun was beginning to rise over the local farm that I run by. The midst was hovering over the strawberry field and the music was playing in my ears. My feet were hitting the wet cement but I really felt nothing. I was in “the zone” as I often get when I run. It was just beautiful, peaceful and calm.

When I returned home, I mapped my run and was surprised to see that I covered 9.66 miles without trouble. It’s amazing what we are able to accomplish when we believe in ourselves.

I’m a published children’s book author and most of my projects are about self-confidence, the importance of never giving up and in perseverance: good lessons for me to remember when I run. The feeling I get when running is something I can’t explain to “non-runners.” It’s not obsessive, it’s amazing.

Keep running my friends. Anything is possible.


Half Marathon Training

29 May

It was hot yesterday morning at 6:30 am. It’s like the people in Florida always say, “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” However, I’m from Jersey so waking up with the plan to run 9 miles yesterday in preparation for my upcoming half marathon in September, I was not thrilled to feel the sticky, hot air. I went out without any expectations, except maybe to keep my pace slow and try to stay in the shade: it’s amazing how early the sun beats down on you.

Music on, ear buds in and I was off….. The roads were quiet since it was Memorial Day and I felt like I had the open road to myself. What an awesome feeling. The rabbits, squirrels, birds and the occasional ground-hog were busy starting their days and the smell of honeysuckles permeated into my brain. Nothing better than the sweet scent of honey.

My legs and back felt great pretty much the whole run. I DID finish the 9 miles without stopping or collapsing like the part of my brain that tells me I’m not good enough told me I would when I first set out. Finishing strong tells that part of my brain that I AM good enough. I AM capable of much more than I ever can imagine and I AM a runner. I challenge myself and compete with myself and I’m surprised with each run that I win each and every time.

Run on my friends…..


Up Before The Sun

21 May

I was up at 4:40 am this morning…..not because my kids were sick. Not because I had to go to work at that time. Not because there was a lunar eclipse that I just had to view. I was up so that I could get a long run in before my husband had to leave for work. Sounds insane now that I see it in print but it’s the truth. I love to run. I use that time for prayer, to review my upcoming day and to push myself to the point where I don’t think I can get to.

I ran for 90 minutes this morning without stopping to do anything. No laundry, no breakfasts were made at that time, no arguments to break up or tantrums to calm. I just ran. My hamstring felt tight about 1 hour in but after an hour of running, what’s another 30 minutes except icing on the cake? (which, I avoid or else all my running will be for naught). 😉

The thing about running is that you don’t need some fancy equipment, expensive gym membership or even glitzy clothing to do it and do it well. A good, supportive pair of running shoes is all that’s required and the voice in your head tells you to just go for it. The smell of the cool morning air, the sun coming up over the horizon, the bird chirping and a few bizarre animals here and there….it’s all beautiful.

I’ve always loved playing sports and am extremely competitive. The competition today is with myself though: to go 5 minutes farther, to go just a little faster, to push through the pain that comes up and to know that the finish line is where the self-confidence is gained. It doesn’t even have to be running in a race with other people. When I finished running this morning, I was stunned that my body had the ability to complete what my mind didn’t think it could. I have a strong faith in God and know that it’s Him who gives me the power to run and gives my body the ability to function well but I also know that there will be a huge feeling of accomplishment when I finish something that appears to be tough.

Keep running friends and know that anything is possible. Pain is temporary…….push on.



Half Marathon Training…..I’m not as crazy as they think

17 May

I’ve been a runner for years and have run a half marathon before, as well as many 5k’s, 10ks and long weekend runs. I should have prefaced this with “PRE-KIDS”.  Now, I take MY running time at 5 am and love every minute of it. Training for an upcoming September 16th  half marathon in Philadelphia is something that I really am enjoying. I think that my husband thinks I’m crazy to lace up and hit the asphalt at 5 am, four mornings a week but I find it to be quite therapeutic.

My training has been simple: I add 5 minutes a week to one of my runs and keep the other three around 5 miles. I’m up to an hour and a half now without too much trouble. I’m thinking that 30 more minutes and I should almost be able to cross that finish line without too many dry heaves. I read recently that “if you find me on the ground at mile 11, please stop my Garmin”!! My thoughts exactly.

I take my running seriously but also find it to be so very relaxing most days. Of course, there are those mornings, like this morning, where I had to get inside my own head and push myself to finish strong, to not walk and to remember just how great it feels when I am done.

I am keeping that thought in the forefront of my mind for September 16th. See you at the finish!!